Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Virtual Addiction.

Every time I turn on my laptop, I compromise myself to just stay long enough to check my email, my Blogger account, Myspace and Facebook account, maybe some updates about bands I'm interested in. Also, I like to read other people's blogs. Perhaps I'll type something in this blog or do something else very quickly. The thing is that I can never stay for less than one hour. Two hours can go by and I'll still be on here. I'm not saying it's a waste of time but what I will say is that it's addictive. The internet has been sucking my life and I think I have to stop turning on my computer for a while.
Today I woke up very lousy-feeling. Yesterday I cleaned my nostrils(you know, warm water+salt+baking soda+somekindofteapot=nostril cleansing.) I poured a little of that solution into my right nostril and it was hell. I had been doing that for a long time, except I had never used baking soda, so including it this time was a bad decision. I realized I had put too much of it in the solution, so basically when I poured in the liquid I felt as if a wave had just crashed onto and into me. Tears came out of my eyes, I started sneezing, stuff came out of my nose and for about 2 minutes it was a horrible experience. Then the symptoms started to go away and I decided to do it once more but with no baking soda. It worked. Then my whole nasal conduct started to congest and for the rest of the night–and this morning–I couldn't breathe through my nose just through my mouth. Fucking horrible and tiring.
It will be a while for me to take another one of those sinus rinsing sessions.
Next time I'll make sure I don't put in one teaspoon of baking soda, ha.
Time to go.


I leave you with the amazing Julie Doiron.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same problem with the interwebs.
    "Oh, just five minutes" turns into an hour or two.

    I think I need to grow some willpower. Like, now.


Ándale, Ándale!