Monday, October 27, 2008

It's Monday once again.

It's Monday once again. Today I woke up at 6:45 am. Not because I had to (I don't have to go to the University until 10:00 am) but because my whole world backed up one hour, literally. The time changed on Saturday and what today was 6:45 am, had been 7:45 am for several months. I wonder if that slows my life down too. Does it allow me to get older any slower? What's for sure is that I'm not getting any younger, at least not physically. Spiritually, yes I am.
I always get invaded by the feeling of not wanting to do anything at all, not right now, not two hours later, not for a week. I just want to lay down and think. Write and think, think and write. Maybe cook something...
It's Monday once again and my life isn't getting any slower.

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