Wednesday, October 22, 2008


If anyone is reading this, I just want to say that soon you'll get the chance to read one of the best blogs you've ever read. No, no, I'm kidding. However you will get the chance to read a pretty cool blog [meaning this one]. I thought that when I opened my Blogger account I'd be able to write the million things in my head and crappy notebooks on here but I haven't been able to do so. Suddenly, it's become very important and necessary for me that I type non-boring, interesting, helpful words and sentences. What if what is interesting to me isn't interesting for anyone else? What if nobody cares?
I keep telling myself that maybe I am expecting a little too much for this blog -which I have no idea how it's going to be written, yet.
Just hang in there, I swear it will be a great blog. Or maybe not but I'll do my best.


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Ándale, Ándale!